NextGen California Celebrates Two Years of Legislative Victories in Sacramento

In response to Trump’s dangerous agenda, advocacy campaigns helped push bold progressive policies over the finish line

Sacramento, CA — Today, after the close of California’s 2017-2018 legislative session, NextGen California will celebrate two years of progressive legislative accomplishments in Sacramento. Over the past two years, NextGen has spent $2.3 million supporting key progressive priorities like  legislation to extend the cap-and-trade system and improve air quality, increase drug pricing transparency, protect our state’s immigrant community, build more affordable housing, expand the earned income tax credit, provide more funding to our higher education systems, put California on the path to 100% clean energy, expand access to paid family leave, abolish the state’s money bail system, and protect net neutrality.

“In response to the Trump administration’s unprecedented assault on our state, Californians have risen to the challenge, stood up for our rights, and come together to move our state forward,” said NextGen America President Tom Steyer. “From marching in the streets to signing petitions to calling legislators, Californians have made their voices heard — and our leaders in Sacramento have answered their calls by strengthening California as a national and international progressive leader.”

Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 session, NextGen California has employed grassroots organizing tactics to rally supporters, run digital ads on social media, host major events like film screenings and rallies, put up billboards across the state, advocate for key budget and policy priorities, and organize supporters online and offline. In the past two years, NextGen has sent nearly 100,000 texts to Californians and its supporters have written over 6,800 letters to urge their leaders in Sacramento to stand up to Trump and support progressive policies.

NextGen California ran significant campaigns in support of a number of bills, including, among other things:

Committing California to 100% Clean Energy (SB 100)
In 2017, NextGen ran a five-figure online petition campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Google to urge Assemblymembers to support SB100. In the last month of the 2018 session, NextGen rallied support for SB 100 with digital ads on multiple social media platforms and billboards placed in high-visibility freeway interchanges in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Diego.

Protecting Net Neutrality (SB 822)
In response to the Republican-led FCC’s repeal of net neutrality regulations last year, NextGen worked closely with legislators to craft the strongest net neutrality protections in the country. In the final month of session, NextGen put up billboards in heavily-trafficked areas throughout the state and ran digital ads run on Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Abolishing the Money Bail System (SB 10)
To educate Californians about the need for bail reform, in March 2018, NextGen launched an advocacy campaign to end the money bail system. NextGen hosted a screening and panel discussion of the acclaimed documentary 13th, produced a PSA featuring actor Dulé Hill, ran digital ads on social media websites, and put up billboards across the state.

Protecting Our Coasts and Preventing New Offshore Drilling (AB 1775 & SB 834)
To protect our coasts from the Trump Administration, NextGen helped organize ralliesoutside the offices of GOP Reps. Mimi Walters (CA-45) and Dana Rohrabacher (CA-48), ran print ads, and put up billboards in Orange County.

Extending Cap-and-Trade and Improving Air Quality (AB 398 & AB 617)
NextGen successfully backed efforts to extend California’s cap-and-trade program through a six figure grassroots and digital organizing campaign. NextGen also worked with the bills’ authors to ensure polluters pay the price for contaminating our air, to strengthen California’s commitment to clean air and water, and to create the strongest possible economy based on clean energy.

Increasing Drug Pricing Transparency (SB 17)
NextGen California ran a six-figure grassroots campaign to support SB 17, which included organizing Californians to petition members and schedule in-district meetings, running digital ads on Facebook, Twitter, Google Search, and sending direct mail pieces across the state.

Expanding Guaranteed Family Leave (SB 63)
Alongside partners, NextGen California ran a grassroots campaign to support SB 63, including organizing constituents to petition members and schedule in-district meetings, as well as running digital ads on Facebook and Google Search.